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Monday, October 19, 2009


This is a picture of my brothers as young boys watching TV, a scene that will be played out a million times over the next fifty years.

I have six older brothers. I have been asked all my life, what was it like growing up with all those boys? How did I survive? Honestly, I cant imagine my life without them. Not that it was all so easy. Anytime there are that many kids in one house, there will be battles. One of my brothers has a fork prong shaped battle scar on his forehead. Family dinners are great, aren't they? I feel a little sorry for them. Had I been in competition with five sisters, I might not be so well adjusted.

As much as I love baseball, because of my brothers, I hate football for the same reason. I believe it was invented so all males, young and old, have a reason to ignore me.

Standing at the check out stand in the grocery store one day, I picked up a book on cats. I flipped through the pages and read"The unaltered male is extremely hard to live with." I thought, "Wow is this from the Bible?"

If there is any wisdom I can pass on to a little sister of brothers it would be, always check to see if the toilet seat is down. And also, if your brothers say they want to work on your bike, they are just looking for spare parts.

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