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Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Brief and Unfocused History Lesson

There were a few bad decisions made in the 70's. Some altered history and changed lives. Others were just humiliating. What knowledge was gained from that whole wire tapping thing that went on at the Watergate Hotel? I think McGovern's values were pretty much laid out when he campaigned on ending the war and legalizing marijuana. Able to vote for the first time in 1976, I cast my ballot for Jimmy Carter solely on an article I read in Rolling Stone. Eighteen was also the legal drinking age at the time, so this was not the only bad decission I would make That year.

In my opinion, the worse thing to happen to society in the 70's was not Watergate, Vietnam or even disco. It was something much more hideous. I call it the White Guy Afro. A bad idea from the beginning, I can't imagine how it all started, but it's with us even today. It's in our high school year books, family albums and reruns of the Ropers. I felt sorry for the curly haired boys who spent so much time trying to tame their unruly locks. Now suddenly it was cool to let it bush out everywhere. It was OK until straight haired people started getting perms and that's when it all went wrong. These same people now live in fear, one of their children, coming across some old photo, will know how uncool his parent really was.

Every generation has their own statement, be it fashion or politics. These days it's all about being environmentally friendly or Green. I wonder what effect tattoo ink will have on the environment? Oh yes, everybody who is anybody must have their body tatted. All the girls under 35, that I know, have a tattoo on their lower back. My pastor calls it crack art. I thought about getting a tattoo, just to give the nurses in the old folks home something to talk about. But, I had my lips tattooed a while back and it hurt really, really bad. I had natural child birth three times and I can tell you honestly, it was a breeze compared to this.

A friend of mine recently had her nose pierced and I thought this just can't be good. But when I saw her, I liked it. It works for her. Of course she's very young very thin and very pretty. Well, It's not like she got a perm or anything.

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white punks