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Thursday, June 7, 2012

 Darnell is gone.
  I spent this week running back and forth to the vet, waking up at all hours and praying, praying, praying. Last night the vet said he was well enough to come home, but he was still so sick. I gave him his antibiotics and held him and prayed for him. I woke up early and checked on him. Seemed better. I gave him his medicine. When I was leaving for work, I checked on him and he had moved off his bed to the floor. I figured the floor was cooler. I couldn't wait to go home for lunch and see him. When I walked in, he was still in the same place on the floor. I guess he must have died right after I left for work.
 I can't stop crying. I missed him so much while he was in the hospital and now he is gone forever.
 He had the most lovable personality I had ever seen in a dog. He was truly unique. I'll never forget him. I'll miss him forever.

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