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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

Like many people around here today I'm pretty bummed about the whole Mike Leach thing. So much so, I have nothing nice to say about it. So let's just get on with our lives.
Can you believe it's almost 2010? Can you believe how wrong the movie was? Can you remember what the movie was about?
Ive been thinking about new years resolutions and if I should set myself up for failure again this year. Maybe I should go a little easier on myself and set attainable goals. Like, I resolve to watch more TV in 2010. Or I resolve to drink a glass of red wine everyday, you know, for my heart. Also I will take more bubble baths and eat more chocolate. I'm going to read books just for fun and listen to more music.
I am going to watch more baseball and I will go to at least one Rangers game this year. I'm going to see one new movie every month and watch some old favorites in between. I will enjoy my husbands company and find more reasons to laugh with him. I'll see my kids as often as I can and never end a conversation without "I love you".
I hope you all have more of everything you love this year. Have a happy 2010!

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