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Thursday, December 13, 2012


  Four years ago, today, I watched my precious daughter, Sarah walk down the aisle, to begin a new journey with the love of her life, Jonathon.
 After months of planning, the day had finally come. The hardest part about the whole thing was convincing this total opposite of a Bridezilla, she was not just throwing a party for the convenience of everyone else. She could never grasp the idea that it really was all about her She didn't want anyone to drive too far, or sit through a long drawn out ceremony, or even worry about where to park their cars. She didn't want anyone to wait around while she was having pictures taken, and, really, why bring a gift? She had all she needed.
  This is my little girl. She has always been this way. The middle child, the peace maker. She spent her childhood keeping her brother and sister out of trouble, even if it meant doing their chores. She has never liked drawing attention to herself. She was happy cheering on the teams she played for and preferred binding their wounds. She is the kind of girl who will hold your hair while you throw up, a good friend to have. She grew up to be a teacher and athletic trainer, and I believe any student of hers is truly blessed.
  After months of choosing music, the day of her wedding, looking at her, all I could hear was Van Morrison singing "She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey".
Everyone thought I would cry. Not just because my girl was getting married, but her baby sister, Lauren wasn't there. But, I believe she was there. I think God makes cool things like that happen in Heaven, just so it's more like Heaven, ya know, and she would not have wanted to miss it.
 Anyway, I didn't cry, not until the next day. Maybe it was the let down feeling you get after something big, like Christmas. But I felt like I had lost both my little girls. Just silly, I know I haven't lost either of them, we're are just separated for a season.


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